Monday, April 11, 2011

A Little Bummed

It’s okay to feel sad sometimes. I am usually happy and don’t get bummed out easily, but tonight I am a little bummed.

My dad’s mom, Virginia is 93 years old. We call her Grandma Gin Gin. She is an amazing lady and has lived life well. She raised 14 children (my dad is #10). She always has such a positive attitude and is not a complainer. She is also really funny and completely with it. Almost every time she sees me, she tells me I’m pretty. I think so highly of her. This past weekend, she had a massive heart attack and her heart is functioning at less than 20% output. She is still completely all there and alert. I went and visited her on Sunday. She kind of laughed and said, “I think every one thought I was dying yesterday b/c I had 12 visitors.” She still had her sense of humor, even though she was not feeling well. At 93 years old and with her health conditions, I know her time is limited. As I stood by her bed, I was fighting the tears, but I know she is at peace with God.

I am really missing my sister, Amy. Sometimes I get sad that she does not live by. I miss coffee dates and just doing things with her. I wish I could see her grow and share in her pregnancy. We were always so close, and I just miss her. I, of course, miss Andrew too :)

My brother aka Uncle Pauly and sister-in-law, Emily are going to be moving to California this summer for a year to attend a ministry school. Both my girls and I are very close to them. I don’t know of an Uncle loving his nieces more than my brother. He adores them, and they adore him. It makes me bummed out to think of not seeing them at least weekly. Emily is one of my best friends too. I love getting coffee with her. I know they only plan on being gone for a year but still, I am going to miss them.

So I took a warm shower and shaved my legs. Shaved legs before bed are always nice. Doesn’t shaving lift your spirits slightly?

I haven’t updated in a little while, but some stories of the past week include:
We were at the park last Tuesday and Averey pooped in her pants – too much fun I guess. Well after I had cleaned her up, before I put on her clean underwear, I asked if she wanted to try and go pee pee. There was no one else at the park at the time and no bathrooms. I guess there was a lady heading towards the park with her daughter, but I didn’t see her. So I bent over, held her under her legs and she is completely off the ground. Well she starts to poop – a lot. Grant comes over and is like, “why are you letting her do that?” Like I have any control…I thought she had already gotten it out in her pants. Apparently I was wrong. Then, I guess Delaney thought it must be cool to go potty in the grass b/c then she suddenly had to go pee. So Grant helped her pee in the grass. I picked up the poo and threw it in the trash like it was doggie poo. Delaney said, “I peed in the grass, and Averey pooped in the grass.” A few days later, Delaney tried to pull down her pants and go pee outside , but I caught her and explained to her that that is an exception.

On Saturday, while I was in the room, Delaney cut a chunk of her pretty hair. That same day, Averey jumped off a box and hurt her foot. She couldn’t walk on it for about 2 hours, and I was worried. Then she was limping and got a little better. There is still a bruise on it, and she is slightly protecting it, when she walks.

Still feel blessed and thankful for so much.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you were feeling sad seestor :( I feel sad too when I think about living far away from everyone. It is killing Paul- LOL he talks about it all the time. You should just come out to visit! Love you and know that the Lord will minister to your heart. xoxo
